The Cindy Siegel doublespeak campaign is in full gear. Since taking office in December 2020, Siegel has undermined fiscal conservative principles, election integrity, and, most dire, the criminal justice system. It’s almost as if she was placed in the position of county chair to undermine conservative efforts much the same way Drunk Dade works in the Texas House of Representatives.
At the eleventh hour ahead of our March 5 primary election, Siegel announced that Harris County Republicans will operate a joint primary with the democrats for the first time in Harris County history. Remember our last Republican primary election? Isabel Longoria failed to add 10,000 mail in ballots to the total. Remember the November 2022 election? Texas Organizing Project, the radical leftist community organizing group, filed a lawsuit because so many polling locations failed (machines not working, no paper). Now, on Siegel’s watch, Republicans will not run their own primary election. Unprecedented.
Instead of working to close our primary election, Siegel is ceding our rights and giving sensitive and proprietary information to the democrats. Siegel blames Senate Bill 924, a law that she “just learned about last week”, for forcing her to agree to a joint primary. A few problems with this Siegel claim. First, Harris County Republican Party representatives (including Ed Johnson and Alan Vera) testified and registered in favor of Senate Bill 924. The bill was sent to the governor on May 29 (the Monday after the house impeached Ken Paxton with no evidence). Then, on August 18, 2023, Christina Adkins, Director of Elections at the Texas Secretary of State, issued Election Advisory No. 2023-11, which outlines the impact of Senate Bill 924. What does this bill do? It arguably authorizes the combining of election precincts only in counties with populations of less than 1.2 million that do not participate in the countywide polling place program. Obviously, Harris County is a large county of more than 1.2 million.
In September 2023, the Texas Secretary of State held an election seminar for county chairs and the Texas Secretary of State has continued to hold webinars in support of the primary election. At the election seminar, the Texas Secretary of State gave a presentation on Promoting Accounting and Transparency in your Primary Election. On October 6, 2023, the Texas Secretary of State gave a presentation on the Duties of the County Chair. Then, on November 20, 2023, the Texas Secretary of State gave a presentation titled Election Contracts, Joint Election Agreements, and Leases for Equipment
Where was Cindy? Maybe she was too busy with Aubrey Taylor.
On January 9, Harris County Clerk Tenisha Hudspeth told Harris County Commissioners Court that her office will not have enough workers or machines to run the March primary elections. Hudspeth said that Senate Bill 924 requires Harris County to open significantly more polling sites than it historically has on primary day: from 375 to 512. In other words, the Harris County Clerk would need equipment to set up 1,024 voting sites (512 for republicans and 512 for democrats). How convenient.
In response, Siegel issued a statement: “As long as I’m Chairman of the Harris County Republican Party, I will not bend to the Democrats crying wolf at the cost of our voters because they can’t get their act together.” Days later, Siegel claims that we have no other choice but to agree to a joint primary. Et tu, Cindy?