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Harris County GOP Retweets Brenda Stardig Announcement

Brenda Stardig Announces
Harris County GOP Tweet

The Harris County GOP retweeted Brenda Stardig’s announcement that she is running against Harris County Commissioner Steve Radack. Who is in control of the Harris County GOP’s Twitter account?

This is kind of a big deal. Retweeting this Stardig story is akin to promoting her candidacy against Radack. The party is not supposed to get involved in primary races. And, in this case, why would they?

Just last month, Commissioners Radack and Cagle saved Harris County taxpayers by standing up to the democrats on Commissioners Court. Steve Radack has donated hundred of thousands of dollars (if not millions) to the local party over the years. His race is always a big deal and he has gone virtually unchallenged for many years.

Brenda Stardig is the city council member who made the resolution to form the rain tax, Renew Houston, or whatever name they have given it these days.

As you will remember, Stardig lost her city council seat to Helena Brown after Stardig supported the rain tax and refused to call for the removal of Metro CEO George Greanias after he was caught viewing pornography at the office.

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