Jerry Patterson for Land Commisioner

Jerry Patterson is wrapping up all the key newspaper endorsements with The Dallas Morning News, and the Houston Chronicle. Locally Jerry has received the endorsement of the Kingwood Tea Party, Spring Branch Republicans, The Link Letter, and Michael Berry.
The Congress of the Republic of Texas established the General Land Office (GLO) on December 22, 1836. The GLO is the oldest existing Texas public agency. With this history, the GLO needs a leader who understands and appreciates Texas. I believe that Jerry Patterson deserves your vote for Land Commissioner in the March 2018 primary.
Why Jerry Patterson? Not only does he know Texas history, he loves and appreciates Texas history. Without research or notes, Patterson can recount the Alamo siege. He knows what makes Texas great. Patterson has a record of hard work and accomplishments and he doesn’t need this job. He knows this job and simply wants to get the GLO back on track.
Jerry Patterson forever changed Texas with the original concealed carry bill in 1994. Once the law was adopted, crime in our state fell to record lows. Jerry Patterson is an expert on gun laws and whenever I have a question I call him. He follows every legislative change to his original bill. Listening to Jerry explain the fight to get this bill passed is a testament to his character and tenacity.
Since 2015, Jeb Bush’s son, George P. Bush, has run the GLO into the ground. There are serious concerns about Bush’s supervision of the Alamo that could result in permanent damage to the battleground. George P. is in hiding and refuses to debate Patterson. Maybe he is still suffering from withdrawal after watching Trump decimate his father on the debate stage. Instead of meeting with Texans, George P. is using money from contractors hired by the GLO to distribute false mailers. George P. must go because of his repeated financial mismanagement of the GLO, financial misdeeds in his own campaign, and failure to accomplish the task of operating the GLO in response to Hurricane Harvey, which has been disastrous for storm victims.
Patterson is a Texan. After graduating from Texas A&M University, he joined the United States Marine Corps and volunteered for duty in Vietnam. Patterson was a successful State Senator and Land Commissioner. Although Patterson criticized Trump early on, he has admitted that he was wrong in his criticism. Patterson’s son, Travis, flies Marine One.
We need to take back the GLO and Patterson is the only option because he is the best and most qualified. Vote Patterson for Texas!
Republican Primary 2018-Early Voting Locations
Early Voting Hours of Operation
February 20 – February 23: 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
February 24: 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
February 25: 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
February 26 – March 2: 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
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George P Bush thinks just because of his last name and family connections he does not have to campaign and meet with voters in person. He did this four years ago and unfortunately it worked. Let’s not let him do it again.
I would like to put an end to seeing the Bush name on our ballots, and maybe this will be the year.
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He’s not related to the President George Bush. Why should his name hold him back?