Democratic Socialist Fired for Theft Running for Judge in Harris County

Franklin Bynum ran unopposed as the democratic nominee to Harris County Criminal Court-at-Law Number 8. The fact that he ran unopposed tells you how far left the local democratic party has moved in a rarely short period of time. However, that is not the story of his candidacy.
Bynum was fired from his position at the Harris County Public Defender’s Office for stealing your tax dollars. Say what? Yes, Franklin Bynum was terminated from his position at the Harris County Public Defender’s Office for what is known as tampering with a government document – falsifying his time sheet. The Harris County District Attorney’s Office routinely prosecutes public employees for falsifying their timesheets. These prosecutions are rarely political; but, a few years ago, a City of Houston Attorney wanted the DA’s Office to prosecute a conservative council member for saving tax dollars by keeping part time hours for employees.
Rumors circled in the criminal justice legal community about his termination for quite some time. So, now that the reasons for Bynum’s termination are public, why did the Harris County District Attorney’s Office [Devon Anderson] fail to charge Bynum? His termination letter is the offense report – the State’s first witness, Public Defender Alex Bunin. Did Anderson even investigate? Was the case presented to a grand jury? I wonder if it helped that Bynum’s bestie is/was Murray Newmann, twice-fired from the DA’s Office.
Now, Bynum, an avowed democratic socialist, is running for judge. What could go wrong?
It is stunning that the local democrats have embraced Bynum’s candidacy. Yes, the local democrats embrace Bynum – a timesheet cheater and bully against a female co-worker per his former boss. Does Bynum #believeher?
Importantly, Alex Bunin, the Harris County Public Defender, wrote the letter authorizing Bynum’s immediate termination. Since his installation, Bunin has been the darling of the Chronicle and source material for many Chron editorials concerning the bail bond lawsuit and other matters. Certainly, Bunin, the darling of the Harris County left, conducted a thorough investigation of Bynum before writing this letter. Additionally, Bunin likely checked in with Harris County Attorney Vince Ryan, another dem, before he terminated an employee.
Bynum’s opponent, Dan Simons, has an inspiring background and deserves your vote. Check out Simons on Reasonable Doubt, the weekly Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association [HCCLA] television show. Bynum refused to appear on the show.
Early Harris County and City of Houston Voting Begins on October 22- November 2nd
Inside Loop 610 –
1. Downtown: Harris County Law Library – Conference Center
1019 Congress Avenue, Houston, 77002
2. Moody Park: Moody Park Community Center
3725 Fulton Street, Houston, 77009
3. Kashmere: Kashmere Multi Service Center
4802 Lockwood Drive, Houston, 77026
4. Downtown-East: Ripley House Neighborhood Center
4410 Navigation Boulevard, Houston, 77011
5. Southeast Houston: H.C.C.S. Southeast College
6960 Rustic Street, Parking Garage, Houston, 77087
6. Palm Center: Young Neighborhood Library
5107 Griggs Road, Houston, 77021
7. Astrodome Area: Fiesta Mart
8130 Kirby Drive, Houston, 77054
8. Near Town: Metropolitan Multi-Service Center
1475 W. Gray Street, Houston, 77019
9. Galleria: Harris County Public Health
2223 West Loop South Fwy, 1st Floor, Houston, 77027
10. The Heights: SPJST Lodge #88
1435 Beall Street, Houston, 77008
Outside Loop 610 –
11. Northeast Houston: Northeast Multi-Service Center
9720 Spaulding Street, Building #4, Houston, 77016
12. Galena Park: Galena Park Library
1500 Keene Street, Galena Park, 77547
13. Hobby Area: John Phelps Courthouse
101 S. Richey Street, Pasadena, 77506
14. Sunnyside: Sunnyside Multi Service Center
9314 Cullen Boulevard, Houston, 77051
15. South Houston: Hiram Clarke Multi-Service Center
3810 W. Fuqua Street, Houston, 77045
16. SW. Houston: Bayland Park Community Center
6400 Bissonnet Street (near Hillcroft), Houston, 77074
17. Near West Side: Tracy Gee Community Center
3599 Westcenter Drive, Houston, 77042
(One block East of Sam Houston Tollway)
18. Spring Branch: Trini Mendenhall Community Center
1414 Wirt Road, Houston, 77055
19. Victory Center: Lone Star College – Victory Center
4141 Victory Drive, Houston, 77088
20. Acres Homes: Acres Homes Multi Service Center
6719 W. Montgomery Road, Houston, 77091
21. North: Hardy Senior Center
11901 West Hardy Road, Houston, 77076