Don Hooper

il Bond Democrats Socialist

Harris County lost more than Ed Emmett in the November 2018 election. This election represented a sea change in criminal justice issues and the bombardment of the socialist agenda. A look at the bail bond consent decree signed by Judge Lee Rosenthal and who is behind it. Republican judges serving in the misdemeanor and felony
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Brenda Stardig Announces

The Harris County GOP retweeted Brenda Stardig’s announcement that she is running against Harris County Commissioner Steve Radack. Who is in control of the Harris County GOP’s Twitter account? This is kind of a big deal. Retweeting this Stardig story is akin to promoting her candidacy against Radack. The party is not supposed to get
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CD 7 Bush Hunt

Wesley Hunt is the establishment, pro-illegal immigration candidate in the Congressional District 7 (CD 7) race. You can tell this by his support from the “C” Club, which is a group of liberal, self-serving democrats who call themselves conservatives. Hunt would not be voting with the President’s agenda in Washington. You knew the “Never Trumpers”
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Erica Grieder Illegal Aliens

Erica Grieder and the Houston Chronicle does not want the United States government to count illegal aliens in the 2020 census. Greider, the resident “conservative” at the Chron, lauded a recent decision by a federal judge in New York that prohibited the citizenship question from the upcoming census. Grieder writes- “That was the right call
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Harris County Republican Party Precinct Chair Robert Jeter III was removed from the Training and Development Committee meeting. Robert is the duly elected representative of this committee by SD 11. He was escorted to the door and told to get out. I will let you listen to Robert’s version of the incident. Robert’s complaints
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